Fall 2006 - Volume 10 Number 3
Original Research and Contributions
The Effect of a Predialysis Calcitriol Administration Protocol on Postdialysis Parathyroid Hormone Levels
Micah L Thorp, DO, MPH, FASN; Lois A Tobin, RD; Eeva Gray, RD, CDE; BarbaraE Nye, RPh
This original research report examines the benefit of careful monitoring plus treatment with calcitriol in patients with end-stage renal disease.
Review Articles
Emergency Cardiology: A Review of Recent Literature
Amal Mattu, MD
From a database of current literature, this article reviews and evaluates relevant evidence-based studies of timely topics.
Clinical Evidence Review: Best Practices Diabetes Mellitus Update
Michelle Wong, MPH, MPP; R James Dudl, MD
This update presents a case example that highlights the updated CMI Diabetes Guidelines.
Preventing Antibiotic Resistance: The Next Step
Jeffrey B Ritterman, MD
The significance of antibiotic resistance and the steps already taken to limit the emergence of resistant bacteria are explored in this exhortation for further action to preserve antibiotics as a therapeutic tool.
Case Study
How Can We Manage Hyperlipidemia and Avoid Rhabdomyolysis in Transplant Patients?
Joseph M Kahwaji, MD, MPH; Ryszard R Dudek, MD
A case study illustrates the "dos" and "don'ts" of managing lipid problems in kidney transplant patients.
Farm Pens and Prescription Pads
John M Balbus, MD, MPH, FACP
El Milagro [The Miracle]
Karen G Stone
Team Disputes at End-of-Life: Toward an Ethic of Collaboration
Debra Gerardi, RN, MPH, JD
Wither Primary Care?
Michael J Pentecost, MD
The pending potential crisis in primary care is thoughtfully examined in this reprint that reviews Medicare history and legislation that has brought us to this point.
Learn To Serve
Phillip J Tuso, MD, FACP
"The true leader serves" inspired an acrostic for the word SERVE, which describes leadership qualities that are important aspects of "servant-hood."
The Danger of Doctorspeak
Scott Abramson, MD
Health care has its own language that can be confusing to patients and their families. This article illustrates this reality and offers some steps practitioners can take to avoid the confusion.
Empathy: In a Moment, a Powerful Therapeutic Tool
Tom Janisse, MD
Disaster Responses: Is the US Really Prepared? Lessons from Anthrax, Tsunamis, and Hurricanes
Lee Jacobs, MD
Health Systems
A Conversation with Marion Nestle: Straight Talk About Obesity, Nutrition, and Food Policy
Transcript edited by Jon Stewart, Public Policy Editor
Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, a nutrition activist, visited Northern California and discussed food policy and its connections to nutrition and health. We present an edited transcript of this open discussion.
Kaiser Permanente Georgia's Experience with Operation Zero: A Group Medical Appointment to Address Pediatric Overweight
Josephine Hinchman, MPH; Luke Beno, MD; Adrienne Mims, MD, MPH
An award-winning program to address overweight in teens is described with outcomes analysis.
Ten Tips for Staff Satisfaction Assessment Interviewing
Michael P Quirk, PhD
This article explains, staff interviewing techniques drawn from psychological literature.
CCC Update
Quality Translations: A Matter of Patient Safety, Service Quality, and Cost Effectiveness
Gayle Tang, MSN, RN; Oscar Lanza; Fátima M Rodríguez, MPH; Annie Chang
This article describes the importance of using high-quality translations in the health care setting, explains the accomplishments to date, and offers suggestions for future actions.
Narrative Medicine
My Life as a Doctor in the World Health Organization
Einar Helander, MD, PhD
Primary Care in Romania
Macrina Florescu, MD
Ethnographic Studies in the Principles of Clinical Medicine
William L Toffler, MD
A second-year medical student program designed to help students develop cultural sensitivity requires each student to write an ethnographic study on a patient. This first in a series explains the program and describes the student's interaction and self-examination.
A Fundamental Prejudice
Ann Cooley
Assisting Hurricane Evacuees in Houston and Louisiana
Skip Skivington, MBA, Editor
This collection of stories shares the experiences of some of the KP volunteers responding to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
Letters to the Editor
From our Readers
Book Reviews
Soul of the Healer
Santillana Home
Sunrise and Ship
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
Reflections of a Hospital Worker
View from the Water
On the Cover
Les Fleurs du Château
Melinda Lacerna Kimbrell, MD